A sorted array is searched by Binary search.If the array is sorted , we can employ binary search , which brilliantly halves the size of the search space each time it examines one array element.Binary means two , so it divides an array two halves for searching . This searching is applicable only to an ordered table ( in either ascending or in descending order ) .
Program code :
Output :
Program code :
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void binary_search(int [],int,int); void main() { char ch; int arr[100],v,size,i; do{ clrscr(); printf("\t Enter array size : "); scanf("%d",&size); for(i=0;i<size;i++) { printf("\n\t Enter element :"); scanf("%d",&arr[i]); } printf("\n\t Search element :"); scanf("%d",&v); binary_search(arr,v,size); printf("\n\t Continue (y/n):"); ch=getch(); }while(ch=='y'||ch=='Y'); } void binary_search(int arr[],int v,int size) { int found=0; int high=size-1,low=0,mid; mid=(high+low)/2; printf("\n\t Looking for %d\n\t",v); while((!found)&&(high>=low)) { printf("Low:%d Mid:%d High:%d\n\t",low,mid,high); if(v==arr[mid]) { printf("Key value found at position %d",mid+1); found=1; } else { if(v<arr[mid]) high=mid-1; else low=mid+1; mid=(high+low)/2; } } if(found==1) printf("\n\t Search sucessful"); else printf("\n\t key value not found"); }
Output :
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